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2 daughters. 14 and 12

3. Toughest part of my job/ Mistakes/ Regrets:

Learning on the job. Trying not to recreate the mistakes my parents made with me, in my journey with them.

Regrets? …not being more intentional from earlier (while they were toddlers) introducing them to The Way.

4. Greatest joy:

I still get kisses from both of them. I pretend I don’t want them but in truth I relish those, deeply.

5. Nuggets Of Wisdom:

Be present - fathers often are either unaware of or just flat out negate the importance of them being there in their children’s lives. We are often our child’s first hero. That should mean something to you.

Be intentional - there may be a lot you may get wrong but make a decision one way or the other. The decision making will translate to them.

Say sorry when you must. My dad always told me you should never believe that you’re too big or too important not to apologise. It takes a little time to do and does a world of good.

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